From a Cucumber to a Cure
I met Arthur Cohen and his wife Janet at last year's Compassionate Care ALS gala in Boston. We sat next to each other and chatted...

ALS Film Review
So Much, So Fast This was the first documentary about ALS that I watched. An inspirational and heartbreaking story about...

Notes from My Writing Journal: Walking with Elise
Chapter 7, baby!! Okay, what happens next? We need Karina and Richard in the same room again. Actually, I probably need a chapter about...

Notes from My Writing Journal: The Woman at the Door
I found these pages from my writing journal, a scene from EVERY NOTE PLAYED that never even made it into the first draft. It has its...

Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018
When Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (ALS) at the age of 21, he was told he had two years left to live....

Remembering Chris Engstrom
I met Chris Engstrom at his parents’ house on Cape Cod. He was my age, handsome, scrawny, his strangled voice mostly unintelligible. He...

A Day in the Writing Life: Chapter 9 of EVERY NOTE PLAYED
From my writing journal…. Okay, clearly I need some time with no kids to bang out some chapters. 9am-noon isn’t enough right now. I’m...

The Oscars
It's Oscars season. I love movies and try to catch as many of the Oscar-nominated films as I can before the Academy Awards. So far, I've...

EVERY NOTE PLAYED: Chapter Outline
I outline my books AFTER I’ve completed the entire first draft. Is that weird? I begin writing most of my chapters with a question: What...

Beginning Book 5
After many months of research, and writing bits of this and that, I need to start chapter 1, the legit beginning of this next book. SO...