A Confession and Apology
So first, the obvious. I’m a terrible blogger. I have no stamina. I started out with the best of intentions, all gung-ho. And then…I...

Gibson's and New England Handicapped Sports Association
Last week I attended one of my all-time favorite book events. It was at Gibson’s Bookstore in Concord, New Hampshire. The bookseller was...

South Carolina
Last weekend my book tour took me to South Carolina. When my publicist originally told me I’d be going to South Carolina for a weekend in...

Top Ten Best Things About My Trip to NYC
I went to NYC on Tuesday with the plan to travel to Madison, CT that night with my publicist to attend a book event at RJ Julia’s. But...

Launch Party!
On Thursday, Where the Sidewalk Ends (one of the two independent bookstores in my small town–we’re so lucky here!) hosted a most fabulous...

Belated Happy Pub Day!
I had planned to enter my first LEFT NEGLECTED blog post yesterday, on Publication Day, but it was such a whirlwind day, I didn’t have...

The Valley of the Baby Dolls
I recently read ‘DANCING WITH ROSE: Finding Life in the Land of Alzheimer’s’ by Lauren Kessler. In it, she reveals the inner life of an...

What Rich Hopes For
In the picture I’d seen of Rich on the internet prior to meeting him, he has short brown hair and a full beard covering his face. He’s...

What's Your Motto?
Back when I was doing a lot of pre-publication interviews for STILL ALICE, I was asked, “What’s your motto?” I had to think for a minute,...

Treatment Without Numbers
I know a widely-respected neurologist at a prestigious, teaching hospital who once said, “Treating dementia is like rearranging the...